Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Puntaje de crédito FICO ¿qué es y cómo te afecta

El puntaje de crà ©dito es una calificacià ³n entre 300 y 850 puntos que se usa para determinar la probabilidad de que una persona pague una deuda dentro del plazo establecido. En Estados Unidos, un paà ­s cuya economà ­a està ¡ basada en el crà ©dito, el puntaje de crà ©dito es uno de los datos mà ¡s importantes de cualquier persona. Lo que debes saber sobre tu puntaje de crà ©dito FICO El puntaje de crà ©dito FICO es una calificacià ³n entre 300 y 850 puntos. A partir de 670 el puntaje se considera bueno, y a partir de 800, excelente. Esta calificacià ³n se toma en cuenta a la hora de solicitar tarjetas de crà ©dito, hipotecas, seguros, prà ©stamos para autos, e incluso abrir cuentas para servicios pà ºblicos y telà ©fonos celulares.Para mejorar el puntaje de crà ©dito se debe mantener tarjetas de crà ©dito activas y con un balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito, ademà ¡s de pagar todas las deudas a tiempo.Una vez al aà ±o, todas las personas tienen derecho a obtener un reporte crediticio gratis de cada uno de los tres principales burà ³s de crà ©dito. Aunque existen varios puntajes de crà ©dito, el mà ¡s utilizado es el conocido como FICO (por las siglas de Fair Isaac Corporation). Este se elabora a partir de un reporte de crà ©dito creado por uno de los tres burà ³s de crà ©dito principales —Equifax, Experian y TransUnion—. El reporte de crà ©dito es una compilacià ³n de informacià ³n sobre cà ³mo una persona maneja su crà ©dito y su deuda. Incluye cuà ¡nto debe, dà ³nde trabaja, cà ³mo paga sus deudas, dà ³nde vive, si se ha declarado en bancarrota, si ha tenido una vivienda embargada, juicio por falta de pago, un auto recobrado, etc. A partir del reporte de crà ©dito que elabora uno de los burà ³s de crà ©dito, FICO determina el puntaje de crà ©dito.  ¿Cà ³mo te afecta el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? La calificacià ³n de FICO puede afectar una gran variedad de situaciones financieras. A continuacià ³n detallamos las mà ¡s frecuentes. Solicitud de tarjeta de crà ©dito El puntaje de crà ©dito determina si la peticià ³n es aprobada y la tasa de interà ©s que se te aplica. Entre mà ¡s bajo el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO, mà ¡s alto el interà ©s. Rentar vivienda Las grandes inmobiliarias utilizan el puntaje FICO para aprobar o denegar una solicitud de alquiler. Las personas que no tienen un crà ©dito bueno està ¡n limitadas a alquilar vivienda a pequeà ±as compaà ±Ãƒ ­as o a propietarios individuales. Seguro de auto Las aseguradoras dependen del puntaje de seguro (insurance score, en inglà ©s) para decidir si aseguran a un chofer y el coste de la pà ³liza. Uno de los factores que lo conforman es el historial crediticio del chofer, junto con su historial de accidentes y de seguros previos. Cuentas de celular y servicios pà ºblicos (utilities) Algunas compaà ±Ãƒ ­as que proveen servicios de telefonà ­a, electricidad, agua o cable utilizan el puntaje de crà ©dito para determinar si exigen, como condicià ³n para prestar el servicio, el pago por adelantado o la consignacià ³n de una cantidad en depà ³sito. Tambià ©n el costo del servicio puede ser mà ¡s alto. Hipotecas Es difà ­cil obtener una hipoteca si no se tiene una buena calificacià ³n de crà ©dito FICO. La solucià ³n en estos casos es encontrar un banco local, credit union o un prestamista pequeà ±o que realice un manual underwriting en vez utilizar el puntaje de FICO. El manual underwriting toma en cuenta el tiempo que una persona ha pagado a tiempo facturas mensuales como alquiler de vivienda, celular o servicios pà ºblicos. Prà ©stamos de autos Los concesionarios de autos aprueban mà ¡s fà ¡cilmente y con mejores condiciones financieras a los clientes con un buen puntaje de crà ©dito, aunque la informacià ³n en la que basan su decisià ³n es mà ¡s amplia que à ºnicamente el nà ºmero de FICO. Tu historial de crà ©dito y oportunidades laborales Ninguna empresa puede negar empleo a una persona porque tiene un nà ºmero de FICO bajo. Sin embargo, sà ­ puede decidir no contratar a un candidato si considera que tiene un historial crediticio no aceptable. Este historial crediticio para fines laborales, que se conoce en inglà ©s como employment credit report, contiene informacià ³n como la cantidad de deuda por hipotecas, crà ©ditos estudiantiles, autos, tarjetas de crà ©dito, etc. y el historial de pago. Sin embargo, no incluye la calificacià ³n de FICO. En 11 estados està ¡ prohibida esta prà ¡ctica del reporte crediticio sin el consentimiento expreso de la persona que aspira al puesto de trabajo.  ¿Cuà ¡l es un buen puntaje FICO? El puntaje de crà ©dito FICO oscila entre 300 y 850 puntos y se rige por las siguientes pautas para determinar cuà ¡n bueno es: Menos de 300: no hay historial crediticio o tiene menos de 6 meses300–579: malo (poor)580–669: razonable (fair)670–739: bueno (good)740–799: muy bueno (very good)Mà ¡s de 800: excepcional (exceptional) Como regla general, se aprueban las solicitudes de crà ©dito a las personas con una calificacià ³n buena o superior. La muy buena o excepcional suele aparejar, ademà ¡s, un tipo de interà ©s mà ¡s bajo. Debido a que el puntaje de crà ©dito afecta la vida financiera y cotidiana de las personas, contar con un buen puntaje FICO facilita la vida en Estados Unidos.  ¿Cà ³mo se crea el puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? Para determinar cuà ¡l es el puntaje FICO de una persona se computan los siguientes factores, a los que se les da diferente peso. La historia crediticia es el factor mà ¡s importante, contabilizando el 35 por ciento del total del puntaje FICO. Afectan negativamente los pagos efectuados tarde, deudas impagadas recuperadas por una agencia de cobro, ejecuciones hipotecarias, declaraciones de bancarrota etc. Los problemas mà ¡s recientes tienen mayor peso que los ocurridos hace aà ±os. El nivel de deuda conforma el 30 por ciento del puntaje FICO. Es la cantidad de deuda que tiene una persona comparado con su là ­mite de crà ©dito. Se recomienda mantener el balance de las tarjetas de crà ©dito por debajo del 30 por ciento de su là ­mite. La duracià ³n de la historia de crà ©dito es el 15 por ciento del puntaje de FICO. Por esta razà ³n es aconsejable mantener abiertas las cuentas mà ¡s antiguas de crà ©dito y seguir utilizà ¡ndolas. El nà ºmero de solicitudes para verificar el crà ©dito de una persona es el 10 por ciento del puntaje FICO. En inglà ©s esto se conoce como Inquire, y para FICO solo se tienen en cuenta las relacionadas con aplicaciones para solicitar un nuevo crà ©dito (conocidas como hard inquire). Se computan solo las efectuadas en el à ºltimo aà ±o, aunque permanecen en el reporte de crà ©dito durante dos aà ±os. Finalmente, los diferentes tipos de crà ©dito con que se cuente conforman el 10 por ciento del puntaje FICO.  ¿Cà ³mo mejorar el puntaje de crà ©dito? Para obtener un buen puntaje de crà ©dito es necesario comprar algo a crà ©dito y pagar dicho crà ©dito dentro de plazo. Una de las formas mà ¡s simples y comunes de crear tu historial de crà ©dito y mejorar el puntaje es sacar una tarjeta de crà ©dito, hacer compras pequeà ±as con ella y, cada mes, pagar esa deuda completamente o dejar pendiente un pequeà ±o balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito. Los principales productos financieros que mejoran el puntaje de crà ©dito son las tarjetas de crà ©dito y los prà ©stamos de todo tipo. Por el contrario, las tarjetas de dà ©bito o prepagadas no se contabilizan para el historial de crà ©dito, como tampoco la cantidad de dinero que se tiene en una cuenta de banco. Ademà ¡s, mantener activas tarjetas de crà ©dito antiguas y con un balance inferior al 30 por ciento del là ­mite de crà ©dito contribuye a elevar el nà ºmero FICO. Por esa razà ³n no se aconseja cerrar cuentas antiguas o dejarlas sin actividad. Para mejorar la puntuacià ³n de crà ©dito, las cuentas antiguas son mà ¡s importantes que las recientes. Finalmente, no pagar una deuda a tiempo, el embargo de bienes por parte de una agencia de cobro, la bancarrota y otros problemas financieros perjudican al puntaje de crà ©dito y permanecen en el rà ©cord crediticio por siete aà ±os. Una vez pasado ese periodo de tiempo, no afectan al FICO ni a favor ni en contra.  ¿Cà ³mo verificar tu puntaje de crà ©dito FICO? Cualquier persona puede verificar su puntaje gratuitamente y todas las veces que quiera en pà ¡ginas como, y Esta consulta no se considera una hard inquire y, por lo tanto, no afecta el puntaje de crà ©dito. La verificacià ³n sirve para que cada persona pueda estar al tanto de la salud general de su crà ©dito. Ademà ¡s, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Transacciones de Crà ©dito Justas y Exactas (Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act) del 2003, es posible obtener una vez al aà ±o y gratuitamente una copia del reporte de crà ©dito de Experian, Equifax y TransUnion mediante la pà ¡gina Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

“All segments of the literary worldâ€whether establishment,...

â€Å"All segments of the literary world—whether establishment, progressive, Black, female, or lesbian—do not know, or at least act as if they do not know, that Black women writers and Black lesbian writers exist.† During the 1970’s to 1980’s, African American studies of Black’s steep legacy was a dying trade. Alice walker stepped up in this time period as an influential writer of the recovery movement for African American studies. Three well respected works from Alice Walker are: The Color Purple, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, and Meridian. We will focus on Walker’s narrative, The Color Purple which details the story of a young eight year old girl named Celie who was sexually abused by her stepfather. Celie seeks help through her†¦show more content†¦Her problems show that she is trying to convey the physical deformity she faced throughout her life and what the deformity did to her personality. Her incident allowed he r to attend Spelman College in Atlanta on a scholarship for the handicapped. During her college years, she decided to join the Civil Rights Movement and participate in political activities. Much of her experience was made into her novel Meridian. After college in 1967, she married a civil rights lawyer named Melvyn Leventhal, and continued her civil rights work in Jackson, Mississippi, where she wrote her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland. By 1977, she divorced her husband and accepted a job as an Associate English professor at Yale University. She had written six books and a book of poems before moving to San Francisco in 1978. The characters in her third novel The Color Purple, couldn’t be written in her urban setting, as a result, she moved to a nearby farm and therefore helped remind her of her hometown in rural Georgia. Walker also used her success to help other female writers. She advocated for classes in women’s literature and helped promote the wor ks of neglected female and black writers. Alice Walker found much of her inspiration through other authors such as South African novelist Bessie Head and black Chicago poet Gwendolyn Brooks. These authors influenced her style of writing along with what she depicted within her stories. Bessie Head addressed theShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 PagesOxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or underRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 PagesSemiotics of the Cinema Christian Metz Translated by Michael Taylor The University of Chicago Press Published by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Inc. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637  © 1974 by Oxford University Press, Inc. All rights reserved. English translation. Originally published 1974 Note on Translation  © 1991 by the University of Chicago University of Chicago Press edition 1991 Printed in the United States of America 09 08 07 6 7 8 9 10 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationRead MoreLgbt19540 Words   |  79 Pages(internal feeling of being male, female or transgender) and/or gender expression, differs from that usually associated with their birth sex. Not everyone whose appearance or behaviour is gender-atypical will identify as a transgender person. Many transgender people live part-time or full-time in another gender. Transgender people can identify as transsexual, transvestite or another gender identity. Gender Identity Ones gender identity refers to whether one feels male, female or transgender (regardlessRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesWork, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an AmericanRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagessources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

David and Goliath Analysis free essay sample

In the story David and Goliath there is a great lesson to be learned. The story shows that you should never underestimate your opponent and be prepared for anything. David’s own intellect and knowledge of his own abilities enabled him to become the smaller, but stronger opponent. It all comes down to who is the better leader. David was a young shepherd boy who watched over the sheep while feeding and keeping them safe from the lions and bears. While watching the sheep David would spend many moments speaking to God and playing a harp. David’s brothers were at the battlefield and one day he was â€Å"sent to the battle lines by his father to bring back news of his brothers. † (Fairchild, 2012) David was not afraid to go to the place where the soldiers were fighting because he had the faith of God beside him. â€Å"While there David heard Goliath shouting his daily defiance and he saw the great fear stirred within the men of Israel. We will write a custom essay sample on David and Goliath Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † (Fairchild, 2012) After hearing these threats for the past forty days David speaks to King Saul about fighting Goliath. King Saul carefully considers how faithful David is to God and his strength so he decided to allow David to battle Goliath. Goliath was a fierce nine foot tall soldier whom many were afraid of. â€Å"If Goliath won, the people of Souls land would have to be servants to Philistines. / If Goliath did not win, his people would become servants for King Saul. † (David and Goliath 1 Samual 17, 2012) Due to David’s age Saul feared David could not win. However David proved his strength with the help of God when he killed a lion and bear when they attempted to harm the sheep. David never let his size discourage or prevent him from facing a challenge. By David having belief in his self he becomes the strongest weapon available. After accepting the challenge against Goliath, David gathers a sling-shot and stones while Goliath is in a â€Å"suit of armor, a javelin, a sword and a special servant to carry his shield for him. † (David and Goliath 1 Samual 17, 2012) Now that they are suited for a battle David and Goliath come face to face. Goliath laughs at the size of David while David is confident with God by his side. David then uses his sling-shot to launch a stone at Goliath’s head which knocks him down on his face. The giant fell allowing David to take his sword and behead Goliath with it. David took advantage of Goliaths mistakes. He underestimated David’s ability and failed to move out of the way of the rock. If you are prepared for all obstacles and keep an open mind you are more likely to come out victorious. David’s own intellect and knowledge of his own abilities made Goliath the smaller, but stronger opponent. This story can be related to the difference between WW1 and WW2. During WW1 trench warfare was used. Trench warfare is a ditch dug out of the ground to give troops protection from the enemies. The soldiers used machine guns, mustard and chlorine gases and smokeless gunpowder to ward off the enemy. Machine guns were the main weapons used by soldiers. However â€Å"they needed 4-6 men to man them† (Tasker, 2012) and had to be positioned on a flat surfaces. When the mustard and chlorine gases were released the soldiers had to take great precaution to not breathe it in because the result is immediate death. These trenches also carried many diseases and rats making it a harsh condition for soldiers. By the time of WW2 also known as the â€Å"Cold War† the atomic bomb was invented. The atomic bomb has the ability to take out an entire city. Russia and the U. S. achieve nuclear equality under the doctrine Mutual Assured Destruction, which â€Å"reflects the idea that one’s population could best be protected by leaving it vulnerable so long as the other side faced comparable vulnerabilities. / In short: Whoever shoots first dies second. (Gaddis, 1982) Having this in place prevents the act of the atomic bomb; however the technology is there if needed. The first use of the atomic bomb was after the attack on Pearl Harbor at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After seeing the destruction of the atomic bomb creates it was then a lesson learned of the damage it can cause as well as ended the war. This would be compared to David and Goliath by having knowledge is the greatest key in winning a battle. Without the technology of the atomic bomb who knows where we would be today. In conclusion when we think about David cutting off Goliath’s head we think its gruesome just as the Japanese thought the atomic bomb was a cruel and unusual form of punishment they were both something that had to be done to protect their people. David uses God as his guidance as we used technology to form atomic bombs. Having these weapons and knowledge makes us the free country we have today. The sacrifices made by many make us the strong country we are today.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Innovation and creativity free essay sample

Creativity is the ability to think widely, to generate new ideas and connect ideas and have a free minded to approach matters. Innovation is the production or implementation of ideas (Naiman, 2011). Innovation involves introducing of new concept towards existing products or services or processes to make them better. Generally, creativity is the idea, and innovation is the process to implement the idea into real product or service. Creativity and innovation are important in business. There are two major importance of creativity and innovation. Have better competitive advantage Target is one of the world famous discount retailer. Target is always come together with Walmart. Walmart is the biggest competitor of Target. Target had undergone a great innovation before. At first, product of Target is about style and fashion and therefore its products’ price are always higher. Walmart is all about low price. Thus, when there is inflation and global recession in the year of 2008, revenue of Target dropped. We will write a custom essay sample on Innovation and creativity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The customers are turning away to Walmart as they think that the fashioned and styled products means higher price. Gregg Steinhafel, the CEO of Target implements a new strategy to the company. Target undergoes transformation. The types of product sell increased, included grocery products and meat products. The CEO implements ‘one stop shopping experience’ to customers. This provides a better competitive advantage to Target. As a result, the revenue and profit of Target rises and become one of the world famous retailers. Meet customer needs and wants Needs are never static, they change and develop over time. Thus, human needs and wants change with time too. New trends in fashion, spending power, concerns for the environment and a lot more factors will influence consumer needs and tastes (Industry, 2013). For example, the high-tech electronic devices such as plasma personal notebooks and smart phones are the products of creativity and innovation. Nowadays, technology became more and more advance, people chasing for high-tech products and seeking for convenience to reduce the time taken when doing a task. Personal notebooks have more and more functions such as touch screen window and become smaller in size so that it is convenience to bring out. Smart phones such as Samsung galaxy series and Apple iphones also become more advance, the camera pixel become higher and higher, the outlook of smart phones become more attractive and application to used become more useful to public. ? 2Discuss the two components of innovation and how to foster or cultivate both components in organizations. (Note: select your preferred organization and apply to your discussion. ) The two components of innovation are creativity and risk taking. This can be shown in an equation. innovation=creativity ? risk taking As we know, restaurant is a place for us to dine in or to have a tea time with our friends and family. Although some gourmet restaurants have nice and warm atmosphere for dining, customers still would be more preferable on some special elements that can be added into the restaurants. Nowadays, there are a lot of themed restaurants such as maid cafes. The main group customer of the maid cafes is male otaku (fans manga, anime, comic book and video games. ). In the maid cafes, waitresses are wearing maid costumes. This idea is came from cosplay, a Japanese subculture. Maid cafes is originated at the year of 1998. The first maid cafe is Cure. The reason that maid cafes will open is because of the idea that generated from Japanese otaku. The Japanese otaku who realized the appeal of arriving home to be greeted by a cute girl in a traditional French maid’s uniform, the cute girl would smile, welcome him with sweet words, and tend to him throughout the evening (kurokiirocafe, 2011). The maid cafes is taking risk because there is no any other themed-maid cafe before. They foresee the consumer will prefer specialize theme restaurants. So, they implement their new creative idea, and taking risk to open it after discussing about the future path of the maid cafes. Now, the maid cafes is a great succeed. And more and more theme restaurants is opened such as Wooden Tornados. ? 3‘Necessity is the mother of invention. ’ Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer with appropriate examples. First of all, what is invention and necessity? Invention is discovery and creation of new things or materials and processes from new ideas (What is an invention? , 2010). Necessity is the elements and needs that people required to continue living. So, is necessity come first or invention come first? Invention and necessity are closely dependent on each other. They rely on each other, and cannot be separated. Somehow, they are two different things. But their relationship is unique. Necessity brings invention, but as time passed by, products that invented might become necessity to people. For example, the invention of light bulb by Thomas Edison. Before the invention of light bulb, people used candles at night to lighten their place. Before the invention is succeed, the other scientist sneer at him that the experiment carry out for the invention of light bulb is a useless investigation. Somehow, after Thomas Edison successfully invented light bulb and after light bulb undergo a series of innovation and improvements, light bulb is now become essential and is a necessity to us. Besides, people need communication for sure. People contact each other and exchange information among each others. At the ancient time, people that live in different place keep in touch by using a pigeon to deliver their letters. After that, in 19th century, the delivering of letter is done by a postman. Somehow deliver a letter from a country to another country or from a state to another state is very time consuming. Thus, people invented something new to replace the traditional communication method. People had invented telephones, mobile phones, computers and fax machine to help them to deliver their message is a faster and more convenience way. With the use of these advance technology products, messages and information can be delivered and transferred simpler, easier and faster in just a few minutes or even a few seconds. As time passed, people become more and more rely on these products and nowadays, mobile phones and computers had become a important tools of communication. And for some people, mobile phone and computer are necessity. Furthermore, ancient people are living in the caves and on the trees. Somehow, nowadays, people living in shelter. People invented a permanent and protective shelter to stay. During ancient time, people that live in cave and live on tree are threatens by wild animals such as wolf, tiger and snakes. As time goes on, people invented shelter like cabins and cottage. And now, shelter become necessity of human that provide them physical protection. In a conclusion, there is no denying that necessity is the mother of invention. The ideas of invention are inspired and came from human daily necessity. Somehow, these inventions might probably become human necessity one day in the future. ? 4 Pick a business in the community, and find a creative way to change either the product/service or the way it is delivered to customers. Provide justification on how does your innovation add value to the business for a sustainable competitive advantage? Louis Vuitton (LV) is the world famous luxury brand. Its products are made of animal skin such as calf and crocodile. Its leathered products are high in quality and had long durability. Somehow nowadays, some animals are threatens by extinction. Besides, people nowadays are very concern about environment and health matters. So, LV can introduce a handbag which is made of cotton or eco-friendly materials such as hemp and organic cotton. The bag that made of cotton is definitely more eco-friendly and environmental friendly. Moreover, cotton bag is easier to clean as compare with LV leather handbag. This brings a lot of convenience to its customers. The quality of the new product can be maintained by the expert craftsmen of LV. In a conclusion, there is no denying that cotton bag had add value to LV, which LV never introduce any cotton products and handbag that made by eco-friendly materials. With the introduction of new product, LV increases its product line, and can enter a new niche market that its competitors never enter.